Ship Simulator
City of Glasgow College, Scotland
Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality
Our ship handing simulators – one of which is Scotland’s first 360 degree full mission ship handling simulator, provides all cadets with a simulator experience allowing them to demonstrate practical learning.
The goal of the simulator was to enhance the student learning experience. It was advised that all see farers should have real life experience in practical elements of ship handling. This allows them to learn by doing and tests their decision making skills, whilst under pressure.
The company that supplied the simulator was Transas. This company was able to provide a new bespoke 360 degree simulator that offered the possibility of developing future courses.
The company were able to fit smaller simulators in multiple classrooms, this gave the college more flexibility in their courses and allowed them to deliver multiple courses at the same time. Transas made it possible to connect the ship and engine simulator together to provide the students with a real ship experience which allowed COGC to bring other opportunities to the students which they were not able to before.
The simulators provided the college with the opportunity to create and deliver unique courses alongside the development of our current curriculum. The simulators also raised the profile of the college, as one of the most innovative maritime colleges in the UK. It also presented commercial opportunities as this facility could be used as a training resource for industry.
Ensure that the experience is as realistic as possible and keep the learning simple and contextualised.This ensures students feel they are improving their skills and knowledge.
The simulator is a mini network of 300 computers linked together, so make sure it can integrate with your existing systems.