Long-term recalling factual knowledge
Ellen Heino
Quizlet is an online digital tool that can be used well for classroom or individual formative testing of factual knowledge. By creating a study set, in which a concept must be combined with the correct explanation, the student can practise as needed.
The purpose of the Quizlet tool is to offer learning material in a way that matches the pace of learning of the individual student. This prevents the teaching material from being passively offered by the teacher. After a short explanation of the tool, the students can work with it independently. It has been set up to allow students to work actively and at their own pace by learning facts and terms. By using the competition element, learning is experienced as more fun, the urge to win is big. The student must complete the quiz without errors and as quickly as possible to end as the winner. By regularly returning the quiz, taken independently by the student or in a class setting, the Ebbinghaus forgetting curve flattens out (so-called spaced learning).
I used technology offered by quizlet.com. Quizlet is ideal for practising factual knowledge.
Quizlet enables the student to learn the subject matter independently, at his or her own pace and repeatedly. The competition element, in which a fact quiz can be played in a class setting, stimulates students to acquire knowledge. It prevents the teachers from spreading facts that, because they are rarely repeated or appear to be too abstract after being mentioned once in a lesson, quickly fall out of the short-term memory. It is possible to use the tool in distance learning, and by using the paid version, students can also be followed in the learning process. For example, the teacher has access to the progress per student, words or concepts where the most mistakes are made or the progress over a certain period of time.
It is necessary for the teacher and student to have access to the internet. The tool is especially suitable for creating and administering a fact quiz. A predetermined explanation of the purpose and instruction on how to use the tool is necessary.
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Ellen Heino